Site Specific Training

Site Specific Training

All training courses offered by Industrial Safety and Health Associates can be tailored specifically for your site, as well as emphasize the topics that you feel are critical to your organization.  Don't see it????  Ask for it....  We can custom design your training needs and provide courses on your site at a time that is convenient to you and your employees.

ISHA will gladly provide participant certificates as well as documentation of training attendance.

OSHA-Required Training

Don't get caught being non-compliant when it comes to OSHA-required training.  Failure to train employees in  Hazard Communication is one of the most frequently cited OSHA regulations.

Industrial Safety and Health Associates instructors have trained over 40,000 students and offers training in all OSHA-required topics from Hazard Communication, Lockout/Tagout and PPE to Confined Space Awareness, Bloodborne Pathogens, Ergonomics and much, much more.

Specialized Training

Not everyone needs specialized training, but, if you need First Aid, CPR, AED, Confined Space Rescue, Trenching and Excavation or Hazardous Materials Response, instructors from Industrial Safety and Health Associates can offer training based on real-world experiences. Contact us today with your needs and let us help you.

Industrial Safety and Health can also custom-design drills and exercises to test your readiness in case of emergency.

Powered Industrial Truck

Employers are required to develop and implement a training program based on the general  principles of safe truck operation, the types of vehicle(s) being used in the workplace, the hazards  of the workplace created by the use of the vehicle(s), and the general safety requirements of the  OSHA standard. Trained operators must know how to do the job properly and do it safely as  demonstrated by workplace evaluation. 

Radiation Safety Awareness

 NC Radiation Protection Section expects individuals and organizations performing regulated activities to establish and maintain a positive safety culture commensurate with the safety and security significance of their activities. 

Industrial Safety and Health Associates can provide basic Radiation Safety Awareness to your employees to ensure compliance with regulations.

Active Shooter

Shots Fired !!!!  Would you or your employees know what to do?  What steps should be taken next?


An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.  Contact us today, and BE PREPARED !!!